Hong Kong First Warehouse Automation with Automated Guided Forklift (AGF) and Drive-in racks

BPS Global is appointed by a global prominent third-party logistics service provider for designing and planning their warehouse automation system. It is the first automated warehouse solution with AGF and drive-in racks in Hong Kong. We have tailor-made a diverse and advanced warehouse automation system with software and hardware integration. By using this transformation, input, output and stocktaking would become more efficient.


We have built a series of 5 meters with 3 levels drive-in racks and 6 AGFs in this 4,750 square feet warehouse. Pallets of the drive-in racks are lined from inside to outside. AGF can climb up to 3.5 meters to withdraw the stocks with flexibility according to the requests of warehouse storage and production flow. Due to the complexity and danger in the process of retrieving stocks from different levels of racks, the replacement of traditional forklift by AGF would significantly reduce the percentage of industrial accidents. AGF and drive-in racks involve meticulous and complicated calculation on operation, therefore, we need to integrate the new system with the client's existing ERP system seamlessly.  This requires a high standard of calculation and technology.


This whole project has to be completed within 3 months. Time is the essence. We will be dedicated to working our heart out to ensure the project will be accomplished in time.